This are my notes in the fields of computer science and technology. Everything is written with ABSOLUTE NO WARRANTY of fitness for any purpose. Of course, feel free to comment anything.

Saturday, April 11, 2009


XSLT: take an XML doc and, through a sort of "stylesheet", make something with the data (another XML doc, or perhaps a XHTML doc). I don't know this language but I guess it's rather useful (although I have no use for it at the moment).

related stuff: libxml, libxml2, libxslt, xsltproc

- specifications@w3:

PragProg media: Expression Engine Techniques

I often have a look at the list of media of "PragProg" ( The newest title is the screencast serie: "Expression Engine Techniques"

Well I definitely don't need it, anyway I'm always curious, so here is the info I collected (mainly from Wiki) about the topic:

ExpressionEngine is a CMS, developer: EllisLab, there is a free version, and two paid ones. A "2.0" is expected in 2009, will be based on CodeIgniter, which is a PHP framework.  

capistrano using git

The cap deploy:update task when you are using git runs the following git command: 

git checkout -q -b deploy 3fe75somehash.....

meaning : 

- creates a new branch named "deploy" (what happens if there is already one called like that?)
- the source of the branch is the commit identified by the given hash
- -q option is "quiet mode"

rsync and symbolic links

some possible behaviours of rsync (from the man page):

(1) SKIP:
default case => symlinks are simply not followed

"symlinks are recreated with the same target on the destination"
rsync --links
also: rsync --archive implies --links

rsync --copy-links


relevant for case 3 is the "safe" vs. "unsafe" difference which I did not understand good.
This is what is written: "An example where this might be used is a web site mirror that wishes ensure the rsync module they copy does not include symbolic links to /etc/passwd in the public section of the site. Using --copy-unsafe-links will cause any links to be copied as the file they point to on the destination. Using --safe-links will cause unsafe links to be ommitted altogether."

Always back up on a dedicated partition or disk!

My home dir on a certain server was backed up by another company. I set under my home a soft link to another location (several Gb of data). What I didn't know: their backup script was rync-based *with* the option --copy-unsafe-links. Rsync followed the link and backed up tons of stuff clugging the backup hard disk. They used the same hard disk and the same partition also for another function: email server. So that softlink disrupted the email server! At first I though I was to be blamed, but after a second thought, I understood, that it's not 100% true: they should have *never* run the mail server on the same partition where they backed up that stuff!

Ruby and GUIs

Is there a good ruby GUI toolkit?

I want to write a simple app, with a simple DB backend, just to keep some notes. As I want it to run on my laptop, I don't want any webserver running, so no rails app (and also because I want to do some gui programming, it's years I am only working on console or web apps). 

I started earlier this morning my Google quest to answer this question, I am not so far yet. I am no expert in GUIs. 

Some disorganized thoughts:

- Java of course is a good choice, isn't it? Yes I want to learn Java again (I learned it 10 years ago, and not using it a long time, so I guess my knowledge is totally out-of-date). But now I want just to write a little small app in that simple little lovely ruby language. 

- I guess most Win apps are based on "native" widgets. For that maybe you need VS or the like and I am in this moment in no mood to be a MS fan. And I want something cross-platform. 

- There a libraries, and like always in IT a lot of names and acronymes, just to confuse stupid newbies like me. QT is one, I think, then there are others (I think some GUI library-flame is also the reason why Gnome and KDE are 2 different desktops, isn't it?). So I guess you use one of that with some good ruby bindings and you are on it. Right?

- I read of Shoes: very simple, maybe good idea, but probably just for beginners, I don't know if I want to waste my time with it. Looks like is just something for kids learning programming? 

About Me

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Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
Former molecular biologist and web developer (Rails) and currently research scientist in bioinformatics.