This are my notes in the fields of computer science and technology. Everything is written with ABSOLUTE NO WARRANTY of fitness for any purpose. Of course, feel free to comment anything.

Saturday, September 12, 2009


WinSCP is the perfect windows tool to connect to remote servers and exchange (download/upload) files or edit them. It is a SFTP and FTP client.

There is a standalone version and an installer based setup; if using the latter, beware that it will ask you install additional software using the OpenCandy system. However at least the default is not to install any additional software.

I like to store the preferences in ini file instead of the registry, so that I can export them easily to other computers. To turn on the ini preferences storage: in WinSCP login dialog select "preferences", then "Other general options: Preferences", "Storage" and change the "configuration storage" value to "INI file". The default location of the ini file under Windows Vista will be: "C:\Users\\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files\WinSCP". Under older Windows version it will be directly in the application directory (C:\program files\WinSCP).

Version: 4.2.3 beta (August 18, 2009)
Platform: Windows
License: freeware

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Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
Former molecular biologist and web developer (Rails) and currently research scientist in bioinformatics.