This are my notes in the fields of computer science and technology. Everything is written with ABSOLUTE NO WARRANTY of fitness for any purpose. Of course, feel free to comment anything.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Starting ssh-agent from .tcshrc

While connecting to a server using SSH, you need either to provide a password or to use a public-private key pair to identify yourself. The latter is interesting, as you don't have to write your password each time. A copy of the public key must be saved in the computer acting as ssh server under ".ssh/authorized_keys", the private key stays only on the client computer.

However for security reasons it is strongly reccomended to set a password on the key file. Otherwise anyone who can steal your key somehow (like accessing your computer physically), can steal your identity. But if your key file has a password, then you would have to write the password each time, so it wouldn't be much better than using passwords instead of keys in the first time. Luckily there is a solution: ssh-agent and ssh-add. ssh-agent runs as a deamon and remembers the password to your key. ssh-add allows you to tell ssh-agent the password.

As ssh-agent keep running when you log off your session, you may add some lines to your shell startup script, to test if ssh-agent is running, otherwise to start it and ask you the password (via ssh-add). In the github guides there is a script for bash (). I adapted it to use it in tcsh, which I use as a shell. Here is it (I added these lines at the bottom of my .tcshrc file, only *before* setting the prompt explicitely, as I used it to distinguish interactive sessions from non-interactive ones):

# start ssh agent if not started yet
set SSH_ENV = "$HOME/.ssh/environment"
if (-f $SSH_ENV) then
source $SSH_ENV
ps $SSH_AGENT_PID > /dev/null && set SSH_AGENT_RUNNING
if ($?prompt && ! $?SSH_AGENT_RUNNING) then
echo "Initializing SSH agent..."
/usr/bin/ssh-agent | sed 's/^echo/#echo/' >! $SSH_ENV
chmod 600 $SSH_ENV
source $SSH_ENV
echo "done: ssh-agent is now running, PID $SSH_AGENT_PID"

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Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
Former molecular biologist and web developer (Rails) and currently research scientist in bioinformatics.